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Pracovné ponuky v zahraničí - Írsko:

Fas - Training and Employment Authority
Provides career guidance services and information on training and employment opportunities in Ireland. It also offers a job/CV bank.
Irish Job Resource
It brings you news about what is happening in the Irish jobs market. It also provides practical advice about getting a green card and doing your taxes.
Michael Page International
Search for banking, accounting and retail jobs.
Food Industry Recruitment
Specialist recruitment for all positions in the food and pharmaceutical Industries.
Pharma Solutions
A specialist recruitment company dedicated solely to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
Substitute Teachers
Substitute teaching jobs in secondary schools.
Zenith Search Recruitment
Search and selection agency specialising in IT, accountancy, financial services and legal recruitment.
Sigmar Recruitment
Job listings, CV doctor and contact details.
CPL Recruitment
Technology recruitment specialists professionals.
Construction Jobs
Categorized construction jobs available in Ireland.
Sigmar Aviation Recruitment
Specialising in job recruitment for the airline industry.
Richmond Recruitment
Nationwide agency specialising in banking and financial jobs
Recruitment agency for the financial sector.
CPG Recruitment
Recruitment consultancy specialising in financial and banking recruitment.
Merlin Associates
Executive recruitment and resourcing executives.
RFC Recruitment Group
Specialises in the recruitment of professional and management level personnel.
UCD Careers Office
Resource for graduates and employers with information on current vacancies, careers seminars and vacation work in Ireland.
A-Team Health Recruitment
Helps health professionals find work in Ireland. Registration, immigration, travel and living assistance is provided.
Offering a range of healthcare, social work and call centre vacancies.
Hotel Jobs
Ireland's hotel and catering recruitment web site.
Search hotel, catering and chef jobs around Ireland. Includes current industry news and events.
Irish Hotel Jobs
Dedicated to advertising up-to-the-minute job vacancies in the Irish hotel and catering sector.
Brooks Recruitment
Hotel and Catering Recruitment Specialists.
Action Recruitment
Recruiters for the Irish hospitality industry.
Eolas Recruitment
IT Recruitment agency.
Supplies recruitment Services, IT contractors and outsourcing solutions. Permanent and contract roles.
Specialising in IT and internet recruitment.
Hook Head Software
Job advertising services for IT professionals and employers. Includes CV hosting and vacancy advertising.
Irish Jobs Page
Jobs and resumes. This site provides a focal point to match recruiters with jobseekers.
GoJobsite Ireland
Search jobs from Ireland's leading employers and recruitment agencies.
Listings and resume database services.
Database of jobs advertised online.
Best Jobs Ireland
Job listings, CV storage and search, and free job advertising for employers.
Local Government Jobs
Job opportunities in Local government.
Jobsite for Northern and Southern Ireland.
MyJob Irish Jobs
A job search and information site for the Irish job seeker.
Job listing website. It is free to use for both employer and jobseeker.
Ireland Hiring
Irish jobs and information.
Recruitment Online
Searchable database, information for recruiters and jobseekers.
1Job Ireland
Jobs Search engine listing vacancies found on recruiters and jobs boards websites.
Recruit Ireland
Searchable database with CV storage facility and online registration.
Irish Golf
Job opportunities in golf and hotel related services.
Legal Jobs Ireland
Offering jobs for solicitors and legal secretaries.
Benson & Associates
Specialising in the recruitment of high calibre lawyers for private practice, commerce and industry.
The People Group
Specialising in sales and marketing recruitment. Submit a resume or job online; tips on finding a job; contact information and links.
Mark Mitchell
Recruitment specialist in sales and marketing in Ireland.
Short term, part-time, and summer jobs in Ireland.
Manpower Ireland
Global recruitment company with branches in Cork, Dublin and Limerick. Includes listings and contact details.
Collins McNicholas
Recruitment agency with branches throughout the country specialising in a variety of areas. Branches in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Sligo and Athlone.
National Recruitment Federation
National body representing a selection of recruitment agencies in Ireland.
FRS Recruitment
Nationwide network of offices specialising in industrial, commercial, and professional recruitment services. Includes temporary, contract, and permanent job listings by type and location.
ICDS Recruitment
Recruitment services with offices in Dublin and Limerick.
Blitz Recruitment
Recruitment specialists for permanent and temporary hotel and catering, finance, office, admin, retail, sales, factory, warehouse and distribution staff in Ireland with centres of excellence for the Galway, Dublin, Limerick and Cork areas.
Noel Recruitment
Provides information on recruitment services offered. Jobs listings and contact details. Branches across the country and in Belfast.
Anne O'Brien Office Specialists
Recruits for temporary, permanent and contract office support staff. Offices in Dublin, Kildare, Galway and Limerick.
Details of jobs, location, news and information on the job market in Ireland. Dublin and Limerick.
Servisource Recruitment Ireland
Specialise in permanent, temporary and contract placements and training across a range of sectors, from entry level positions to senior level and professional positions.
Brightwater Support
Office, retail, sales and marketing recruitment specialists. Branches in Dublin, Cork and Belfast.
Management and technical recruitment services with branches in Dublin and Limerick.

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